About MedTrends event
The event has been organized since 2014 by the Silesian Medical and Technological Park Kardio-Med Silesia in Zabrze. It aimed to create a space for international debate on the directions of development of modern health care and digital health in Poland and Europe. MedTrend is intended to be a place for common analysis of current challenges and opportunities related to digital transformation in health, creating a place of knowledge and experience exchange. This event brings together representatives of various scientific disciplines such as medicine, bioengineering, IT, new technologies, and the world of business with one goal in mind: the development of modern medicine.
The 4th international conference MedTrend – European Forum for Modern Healthcare – was held in Zabrze under the motto of artificial intelligence and machine learning and their application in education, diagnostics, and treatment of civilization diseases. It included two intensive days of scientific sessions, workshops, case studies, combined with a competition session for startups in healthcare.
Read more: Predictive analytics as a source of key insights
The contest for the best startups in healthcare
The Top Trends competition were organized in cooperation with the Foundation of Silesian Centre for Heart Diseases, Silesian Centre for Heart Diseases in Zabrze, and the National Chamber of Commerce. During the competition, there were presentations of numerous innovative companies, among others: Natural Cell Therapy, Medical Simulation Technologies, FindAir, and LUDMO. The winner of MedTrend Top Trends 2018 was FindAir which presented modern and innovative solutions for people who suffer from asthma.