Automatically track every inhaler usage and gather data about your patients asthma & COPD control levels - no matter when and where.
Get started with a full software toolkit for asthma & COPD
monitoring system. Fast to implement and effortless to
Skip complex integrations - our solutions work without costly implementation and are fully customizable to meet your needs.
Smart inhalers work by constantly collecting data about every drug usage regarding the number of dosages, location, and time. All to provide more accurate asthma & COPD treatment and improve patient adherence.
FindAir Asthma Diary App supports connection with smart inhalers and provides patients with daily medication reminders, treatment overview, and suggestions of their main asthma triggers.
The online platform allows doctors to monitor patients remotely and call for visits only to those who need additional tests or require personal intervention. Precise data from smart inhalers will help to reduce the number of unexpected exacerbations and remotely change the assigned treatment if needed.
Comprehensive implemention of FindAir IoT Connectivity Solutions into Sanity product line together with Albert Polska Sp. z o.o.
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