Joanna was one of the participants in the asthma control evaluation program conducted among asthma patients in Poland organized by FindAir. During the program, she agreed to talk about her experience with the FindAir system and how it has influenced her asthma control.
Simple solution
Asthma is a chronic disease that can cause some limitations. It may also be a significant burden since it must be well controlled to function normally. This means learning to be aware of it virtually all the time. Monitoring simultaneously many factors like, regular medications intake, potential places with poor air quality, and the number of taken rescue medication doses can be very problematic, especially for people who have been recently diagnosed.
For me, the most important thing is that I don’t have to think about how much medication I took in a day. If I go over my recommended medication dosage then I can easily control when it was. When I feel unwell, I don’t have to think, when or how much medication I took. After some time I can go back to recorded usages and see how it actually was. I would definitely recommend the device and the app to people with severe asthma who need to use medication frequently.
Read more: How does artificial intelligence (AI) advance the understanding of asthma?
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